The 3-Step System Used By Unknown Realtors To Dominate Their Seller Market In Under 90 Days!

Hybrid Agents Close 5x MORE Seller Deals Than Traditional Realtors.

Attract, Convert & Close A Secret Source

of Motivated Sellers Other Realtors Miss Out On

We Help Realtors Work With MORE Sellers By Doing What IS WORKING In Today's Market.

Learn To Do Investor Deals and Take Lots of Listings Along the Way!

 Make Sure Your Sound Is ON!

(Don't Forget To Check Your Email For Additional Training Videos)

Want Us to Build Your Seller Business with You?

This System Actually Gets Results!

Listen to what some of our clients have to say about their experience in our program...

David From New Jersey

On David's 3rd inbound lead he locked up a cash deal. We helped him sell it in 24 hours for a $40,000 PROFIT! He got paid 14 days later. He added $150,000 in 12 weeks with our system. He made $85,000 the year before prior to using the Hybrid Agent Model. Check out his interview!

Daniel from LA

David closed over $125,000 in commissions in his first 90 days! He has since doubled that and is just getting started! Check out his interview on how he double ended his first deal with us and we helped him lock up a $2,000,000 listing!

Jennifer from Alabama

Jennifer runs a traditional Real Estate Team with KW. She never did an investor deal before. We helped her close her first 3 investor deals in under 30 days for a profit of $40,000! Check out her incredible journey.

 Want Proof ? Our Results Speak For Themselves...

What Is the Hybrid Agent Model?

✅ We flip Real Estate Marketing upside down and we simply do what works. These are the strategies your Broker won't tell you about! Most sellers start their home selling process by looking for ways to avoid working with a Realtor. It is just the reality of today's market. Using the data that is available, we can do marketing that actually WORKS to create a steady stream of Motivated Home Sellers who book calls with our team through inbound marketing. These are the BEST leads you can have as a Real Estate Professional, Home Sellers who actually want to speak to you!.

✅ We simply give these Home Sellers what they want, OPTIONS. We have 9 different exit strategies in our tool belt. We walk each Seller through a custom process designed for them that gives them Investor Options & Retail Options to consider. We then act as their consultant and guide them through the Pros & Cons of each. Then they pick!

✅ We will help you create the custom options for each seller. Learning the investor and custom retail options can be a challenge so we will just do it for you and with you! The best way to learn is to do deals!

✅ Once they pick an option we have a new listing or investor deal to sell! We will create Cash Buyers and Hedge Funds who are buying in your market so you can partner with them on deals and create a steady stream of new profits in your business. This is where it gets fun!

What Is AgentVestors and The Hybrid Agent Pro Program?

✅ A Nationwide community of Realtors who also do investor deals.

✅ A true mentorship and coaching program designed for hands on learners. Giving you the support, confidence and accountability you need to thrive.

✅ It cuts out the BS. Most programs have hours and hours of training on all kinds of things that have absolutely ZERO impact on sales. We eliminate all of that and lay out exactly what to do to get leads, how to get sellers to say yet and do more deals.

✅ It gives you real, proven strategies that I use and that our clients are using (and they're absolutely crushing it) right now! These aren't outdated techniques that worked 5 years ago, they're working now!

✅ It covers (in detail) what I feel most programs don't - and that's how to find the blue ocean (niches) and sell like an absolute pro!  

✅ It shows you how to scale. It not only shows you, we work WITH YOU to help you grow not only your sales but also your team.

What This System Is NOT...

It's NOT...

❌ Just a bunch of recorded webinars. The best way to learn is to roll up your sleeves and start doing deals with support.

❌ A recorded program and then you're on your own. We help you create opportunities, offer solutions and close deals with you, 1-1 support.

❌ Slimy sales tactics to trick people into working with you. We offer sellers multiple solutions to Home Sellers designed solve their problem. This allows us to help more people and have multiple income streams in our business.

❌ A bunch of outdated techniques and strategies that used to work but no longer do. We teach what is working in TODAY'S market. I go to all the top Masterminds to stay on top of what is working in Today's Market so you don't have to.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated anywhere on this funnel are individual sales figures and marketing results. Please understand that sales figures are not typical, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of doing real estate for 15+ years. The average person who simply purchases any “how-to” program may not follow through on what they are being taught and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific result. We are using these references for example purposes only. Sales figures will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

ABOUT THE STRATEGY SESSION: After completing an application, you will get the opportunity to schedule in a Game Plan call. This is completely optional. The Session lasts about 20 minutes and if you do not want to work more closely with us, you can leave without buying anything. The Strategy Session is to provide insights insights on the operations of your business and offer strategies for growth that you will be able to implement right away.

REFUNDS: Because we are giving you personal one on one coaching and our time that we can not get back, not just pre-recorded videos there are no refunds. 

NOT FACEBOOK™: This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

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Hear from a few more of our happy clients... 👇🏻

Matt generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

Bob generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

Isaiah generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

Chandler & Steph generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!